ee cummings
Because I have a backyard and because I have food waste and because I've had the curiousity for some time now, I thought it only logical to have a compost pile.
My flatmate OK'd the idea, but said we can't just throw our food waste in a pile in the backyard and call it a "compost pile," that we would have to put a little more effort into it. So I've been doing research today on how to get this little project started. A friend suggested I "wander around Queens with a heavy duty trash bag and ask people for all of their yard waste." I thought it might be a good way to get to know the neighbors but that I might impress upon them the wrong idea of me. Then again, is that such a bad idea of me to have?
I'm told that cats will not compost (unless, of course, they're dead). But that a dead/decaying creature would make THE PERFECT START to a compost pile.Last night I learned that none of the liquor or beer stores on Grand are open past ten. I also learned that, in a pinch, I can carry an 18-pack of longnecks from the Shop 'n Stop home. I can even get lost on the way home and still make it back without incident.
This morning, like baby birds from the nest, I kicked the cats out. They will learn to piss and shit outdoors. Oh, yes. They will learn. And they will learn to love it. And, eventually, they will stop meowing to get back in. Welcome to life, ladies. Breathe the fresh air.
*Of whom I am not one yet.
This came from "Metropolitan Diaries," a column published in the Metro Section of the NY Times every Monday. I saw it on the train coming home this evening and nearly cried. It is poorly paraphrased.
I was riding on the Lexington Ave local the other day when I noticed a woman and her seeing eye dog sitting next to her in the aisle. As the train slowed to a stop at "59th St", the dog started to get up to leave. His mistress pulled his collar and said, "This is not our stop."
When the train started up again, she was apparently concerned she had been too harsh to her friend. Oblivious to other passengers, she said to him, "I"m sorry if I was abrupt. I know you are not a stupid dog, but that was not the correct stop. Perhaps you lost count."
Her dog looked up at her with full attention during her whole speech, after which he licked her hand. They got off at the "51st St" stop.
Oh, yeah. And today I went out to Manhattan (and down the Coney Island). I've decided that NYC is just a small town with a big city name.