It's About Time...


More Interesting Than Pussy (Cats)

I don't know that I can express the vibe I get while rambling around this great city. There is something so magical about mingling with complete strangers, something so fulfilling. Any sense of loneliness I had prior melts away as I brush shoulders and touch outer thighs with folks I have never seen before and will, likely, never see again. So many different faces to study, so much to wonder about. I know I make it out to be more dramatic than it is, but I just adore being a part of it. I can't wait to be a contributing member of this society. Have a purpose when I walk down the street, as opposed to just meandering along.

My favourite part may be the mass transit. I love sharing that cramped space on a bus or train with people I don't know. I love secretly studying their features and averting my eyes when they catch me. This game greatly amuses me. I love the stark silence between us. Most of all, I love how people rub elbows and shoulders for 15 minutes at a time without looking at each other once, let alone knowing their name.

I love flashing grins at complete strangers and getting broad smiles in return. Today I was walking down the street with an origami flower in my hand. As I approached a man walking in the opposite direction, we caught each other's eye and he pointed to the ground behind me and said, "Hey! You dropped your flower!" Without thinking, I immediately looked, panicked something else had fallen from my bag. Sure enough my flower was still in my hand, enveloped in my palm and five fingers. He laughed heartily and I grinned as we walked past each other.

I picked up the flower at a theatrical protest across the street from the UN building; General Assembly was in session and they were there to inform people about the travesty of Falun Gong in China. I was excited that the General Assembly was in town; it's one of the rare occasions the UN flies all the world flags in front of the building, so I was there to take pictures and observe, catch glimpses of world leaders and diplomats. As I walked down 42nd St from Grand Central Station, a police-escorted motorcade 15 cars long drove by, stopping traffic and me dead in our tracks. There were cars full of armed men in military attire carrying big guns, security guys wearing sunglasses and talking into their cuffs, and dignitaries with turbans. No flags were flying on any of the cars. I got excited at the prospect of being inside the building amonst those people.

As I approached the UN block, I discoverd that fantasy was exactly that; I wasn't even able to be on the same side of the street as the UN, hahaha. Nope, getting across the police line required a special badge and a purpose for being there (other than observation). Oh, well. I sauntered around by the barriers, took pictures of the flags, looked at all the important do-gooders walking by and wanted desperately for my life to have the kind of meaning theirs did.

Oh. And I succeded at avoiding schoolwork and finding a job for the third straight day in a row. Bravo me.


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