It's About Time...


A Russian Lesbian Witch; the Worst Kind

Because I have a backyard and because I have food waste and because I've had the curiousity for some time now, I thought it only logical to have a compost pile.

My flatmate OK'd the idea, but said we can't just throw our food waste in a pile in the backyard and call it a "compost pile," that we would have to put a little more effort into it. So I've been doing research today on how to get this little project started. A friend suggested I "wander around Queens with a heavy duty trash bag and ask people for all of their yard waste." I thought it might be a good way to get to know the neighbors but that I might impress upon them the wrong idea of me. Then again, is that such a bad idea of me to have?

I'm told that cats will not compost (unless, of course, they're dead). But that a dead/decaying creature would make THE PERFECT START to a compost pile.

life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life...


  • At 28/9/04 19:54 , Blogger Craig Wilkey said...

    Hey, just wanted to let you know that your lyrics site is incorrect.
    That song is not "Eulogy".
    "Eulogy" is track 2 on "Ænima".
    "He had alot to say.
    He had alot of nothing to say."

    The song you are looking for is track 69 on "Undertow" and it's called "Disgustipated".

    The TOOL Page is really the definitive TOOL site (even better than the band's official site).
    It's a great source for lyrics and such.
    In fact, Kabir (the webmaster) gets most of his lyrics (and a lot of other info) directly from Maynard.

    It really is a great site.
    Just thought you might be interested.

  • At 28/9/04 20:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'll dead cat you! If either of those lovely little creatures have sudden and inexplicable ends I will have the compost pile tested for kitty DNA.......

  • At 28/9/04 21:00 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Thanks, dear Raven; I went ahead and made the correction. You should know, I was thinking of you as I was searching for lyrics and figured I'd get corrected.

    And as for Ms. Anonymous- I'm banking that you'll never get over here to find out for yourself if/that the cats have been (gently) maimed.

  • At 29/9/04 00:10 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    i totally agree with the anonynmous one. and i can assure you that the moment you stop talking about the cats i will come to you with and research your compost pile... i am good at researching organic stuff ;)

    and perhaps you will end up there if you did something to those cats ;)

  • At 29/9/04 09:18 , Blogger anna j said...

    oh come on. i know you love those cats and you are just trying to save face by suggesting that you might be the kind of person to "(gently) maim" them. your ruse has not fooled me.

  • At 30/9/04 15:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "...meat, meat products, dairy products, and high-fat foods like cats and peanut butter can present problems. Meat scraps and the rest will decompose eventually, but will smell bad and attract pests... All additions to the compost pile will decompose more quickly if they are chopped up some before adding."

    Make sure you chop those cats up real fine. *wink wink*


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