i've just come across your blog and i found it interesting. the one thing that i can't get a handle on is why they are just now hiring you as an employee. it seems like you have been there forever. most places hire you right after you graduate. i guess you had to prove yourself.
At 14/12/05 04:02 ,
twp77 said...
woooohoooo! Yay Erin!!!! :)
At 14/12/05 17:44 ,
Bijtje said...
That is awesome
At 14/12/05 20:10 ,
they call me mellow yellow said...
omg..you rock!! congrats! insurance here you come...lol
At 31/12/05 13:33 ,
Anonymous said...
i've just come across your blog and i found it interesting. the one thing that i can't get a handle on is why they are just now hiring you as an employee. it seems like you have been there forever. most places hire you right after you graduate. i guess you had to prove yourself.
At 4/1/06 16:50 ,
Ruth said...
Whooooo are you?
And really, I just needed the right advocate. :)
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