It's About Time...


seeking: eternally grateful (last known alias: eg mudy)

scared. confused. vulnerable.

(but external comfort is not what i seek. i thank you, sincerely, anyway.)

i went to church today.
healed, for the first time.
not healed by them, but by my decision to go.
"supporting" a friend.
underlying need.

not afraid
of churches, anyway;
of being in them, that is to say.

i've carried myself through the last (nearly) four years.
i needed to bear that burden;
to feel self-sufficient, self-sustaining, self-aware and to prove that these descriptions of me were self-evident.

weakness- the is the most liquid word in the whole english language. put a price tag on that word and try to sell it universally; you'll never make the same sale twice.

capable. i. am.
all by my lonesome. too.
i'm no kitten stuck up a tree.
i need no crutch to get me by.

the service ended today and i felt relieved, rejuvinated, and resiliant. and, for the first time in a long time, i felt a resonance in my long-forgotten soul. in fact, i remembered that i had one.


  • At 21/2/06 03:58 , Blogger twp77 said...

    Your post reminded me of "Everest" :) glad to hear you are feeling this way. You're awesome Erin. Love the new pic.

  • At 21/2/06 09:07 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Word to the wise: I am NOT accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. ;)

    (I just needed to put that out there.)

    Thanks, T. Glad you like it. A friend of mine took a whole slew of pictures of me a while back and they're just now making it up here. :)


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