It's About Time...


I decided, while waiting in the waiting room at the free STD screening clinic yesterday, that people who read stupid shit like magazines are just plain bored.

I realised this when I picked up a copy of Parenting Magazine. Yeah. That's how bored I was.


Inherently Given

It takes some kind of love to listen to your girlfriend while she leans into you for sympathy, empathy, or any form of understanding regarding risky sexual behaviour via an extra-relationship affair.

How you must have felt...


A Change of Emotional State (Read: From "Hungry" to "Full-bellied")

Did you notice the time of my last post? To give you perspective, it was posted just minutes before I took a shower, my parents called to wish me a happy Christmas, and my grandmother and Aunt Pat showed up at the house.

After the joy I experienced this weekend, it would be dishonourable to leave you with that post's image of my weekend with my (extended) family.

To start 'ya off, both Fizz and I were experiencing our first Christmas away from home, a potentially depressing event, regardless of your age/maturity. I never considered how much it would suck to be away from them until the time actually occurred, but by the time it was happening, I was so overcome with positive emotion that I hadn't left room for missing my immediate family.

To be fair, somewhere in the last month I've forgotten to miss home. Hunh. Weird. It likely happened when a friend returned from her first visit back home, talking about wanting to move back and missing her family even more than before she left. She reminded me of myself, when I moved to Utah and came back home for my birthday, how much that made me desperately never want to leave it again. In the end, staying away from home was the only way for me to grow and the discovery that home is never the same as you remember led me to decide that, despite that euphoric feeling of visiting "home," it was best that I kept my presence there in like fashion: a visit.

I think my parents' visit to my new home aided tremendously. There was something about the convergence of parallel lines in my new-found territory that made me feel o.k. about not living at home anymore. As it is, the people in my hometown have moved on with their lives: my bestfriend got married, Ms. Shaborgan left the country and my brother got a girlfriend. My folks are moving out of my childhood/adolescent-hood home as soon as possible next year and I'm graduating from UCF in May. All friendships I've collected there are maintainable long-distance and She is moving in on Thursday. I am officially free from Florida.

Now, for the first time ever, I actually feel free.

Back to this weekend. Like I said, I was on the telephone when Aunt Pat and Grandma pulled into the driveway. I was anxious to see them (the first time since February this year), but not anxious to get off the phone with my family. I did, eventually, and unleashed my excitement at seeing my beloved Grandmother and Aunt, two of my favourite women on the Muddy side of the family.

After hugging my Aunt and Uncle (Fizz was gracefully introduced to them before I made an entrance), I strode into the living room, where the Matriarch was resting on the sofa. We locked eyes and embraced, the intense joy welling up in my throat; I could barely speak. She held my hands so tightly, like she was never again letting go. I gave her the run-down on my life through strained lips, tucking back tears. I excused myself after a while, went into the kitchen in search of Fizz, confessed my secret and started crying as she hugged me.

Surrounded by all the strong, boisterous women I distinctly remember from my childhood, Aunt Pat asked what was wrong, loosing a shower of my tears for all to see. Fortunately, Fizz was there to speak for me, deflecting their concerned looks with words of reassurance. Uncle Marty followed closely with a wise-crack that made me laugh and everyone went about their previous activities.

And so the evening followed in similar form. When everyone gathered to open Christmas gifts (imagine a two year-old, three boys, between the ages of four and eight, and umpteen adults), I was again floored by the gifts tagged with my name on them. Not only did my family make an effort to make sure I had something to unwrap, but they did the same for Fizz, a relative stranger in their living room.

In total, I came out to my cousin Patty (assuring that, within weeks, I would be out to everyone else in the family), reconnected with all those Aunts, Uncles and Cousins I'd so wanted (but was never able) to for years on end, introduced my flatmate to my family and my family to my flatmate and remembered what it was like to be surrounded by family. It was hard to want for anything else, even if that "anything else" included my brother, mother and father. As far as I'm concerned, while they're not the same peas, they all came from the same pod. And while I didn't go home for Christmas, I was at home. And that's enough for me.


Welcome To: My Family

It's official. I'm a scrooge.

That's cool. I can live with that. It's not as though I'm Alistair Sim's Ebeneezer Scrooge (my father's favourite version of A Christmas Carol). I'm a happy one at least.

And this year, I'm enduring the Christmas consumer madness with flag-waving, gun-toting Catholics.

A dangerous combination, if you ask me.

But damn I'm eating well.

Merry Whatever Makes You Happy.


Partnership Space

The new Grant Writer begins her job this coming Monday (the 27th). Since the announcement of her start with the Partnership, I was told three times yesterday and once today (by one of the people who told me yesterday) that she would be moving into "my" office, a subject they feel is touchy, apparently.

This has amused me no end. The conversation has gone like this each time:

Them: "So, the new Grant Writer starts on Monday..."
Me: "Oh, excellent! We were in real need, huh?"
Them: "Yeah..." More quietly and less-forward, "She's going to have this office, so if you could..."
Me: "Oh, of course! I'll tidy it up and have it ready for her by Friday's end."
Them: "Great." [moves along]

Did you ever watch Office Space? Well, the recent conversations have reminded me of this movie, especially a sound bite found on this page called, "You need to move to storage."

No end, I tell ya.



I've not yet recovered from this feeling of longing. Though recounting my blessings lately has brought about a sense of satisfaction in my life. Yes, I failed a class this term (a feat which has weighed heavily on my mind while I was failing it all semester long), but my "What to Say When Folks Ask What's Going On In My Life" list is chock-full of positivity. Ironically, it isn't until I reveiw this list I realise I have little cause for depression.

Okay, I failed a class and, alright, I didn't get the internship for which I moved to NYC, but I am retaking the class and fulfilling my reasoning for moving to this blessed city this Spring. As my dad said during my choke-and-sob confession to him upon asking for rent money back in October, you've got to have movement to get the ball rolling. Stagnation does nothing to promote growth of anything other than pond scum.

And he's right- I knew in that moment; hell, I knew (albeit deep down) before then. From the moment I put forth effort in this City, everything I've attempted I've achieved.

One week before rent due and the morning I was planning on telling my folks I needed rent money, I called a temp agency I'd been recommended to and for weeks prior and requested an interview. Two hours later I was seated before my new employer. The next morning, I had a job starting the following Monday with a non-profit organisation. Enter The Partnership for the Homeless, an agency which aids the homeless and, kismetically enough, keeps me off the streets as well. Thus began a week-by-week "temporary" job, a pursuit for a permanent position and a validation of self. How great it felt to be employed again.

While the pursuit did not culminate in the permanent position (for which I was HIGHLY overqualified), it has resulted in the reason for my being here: an internship (to begin in January). Yes, it's official: everything's coming up roses.

While cultivating my professional garden, my relationship arborium, surprisingly, earned a positive gross income. Tang came and went from my life, destroying weeds and harvesting growth, arriving at a time of famine and drought to refresh my intellectual soil, just long enough to remind me that it is still there and in need of tending. A good friend and mentor of mine once told me that the mark of a good friendship was lack of need; you don't need your friends, she told me, and I've tried very hard to relate according to that. The vaccuum of Tang still lingers, but not in the desperate sense I predicted. My friendship with her is the healthiest of all to develop this year.

Another interesting frienship to develop has been the one with Fizz, with whom I share my living space and everyday joy. Ours is the second relationship this year to move from long distance to close proximity, a trick only successful if both sides are ready to shift positions (not just locations) at a moment's notice. This kind of change requires the sort of flexibility rarely seen outside of long distance-to-everyday friendships. It's much easier to move from everyday-to-long distance than the other way around. Add to that the extension of not just everyday frienship muscles, but flatmate presense, too. Consider, also, that the relationship has had to adjust for the honeymoon stage of a significant other, present since just before we moved in together.

It's for these reasons that this relationship change requires much more patience than usual. There is, of course, no fault to be found with either party (and, if so, moreso with me than her); I look at it as a challenge to (what I think has been) my growth in the last two years. A test, if you will, to see how far I've come. And while this little "review" of our relationship has (it may appear) done little to promote the goodness that is Fizz, that means precisely dick about how much I adore this woman, whose catalysing nature rakes (and sows) my conscience daily, leaving in her furrow a row sure to yield growth.

The "What to Say When Folks Ask What's Going On In My Life" list, lately, hasn't included the primary source of my gratification: the Boy, without whose support none of this would have been possible. He's the first of my long distance-turned-everyday frienships to emerge this year, providing me with a home from mid-July to mid-September (a whopping and depression-inducing unproductive three months). Ours has been the easiest relationship to develop this year, primarily because he's so-damn-comfortable. And giving. And caring. And loving. And interesting. And... And... And... ad infinitum. But most of all, he's always there, a gift in and of itself.

And in the love department.

My relationship with Her has gone to extremes since I moved up here. Early on, I employed a slash-and-burn technique in our relationship, severing our offical ties while continuing to love her in all the same ways. In less than a score of days from now, She will be moving in with me, a technique I've NEVER engaged in any of my relationship-relationships. For me, there is far more excitement than trepidation than for Her, for whom the opposite is true, but my firm plant on (mostly) solid ground helps us keep the faith.

So, what you're basically saying is: you've nothing to complain of.

Recently, I was lucky enough to have multiple lines (which have split-off and been running parallel since I moved from home in 2002) converge at a joyous point. My folks met my Adult Self in the place of my Adult Life in the context of my Adult Friends. They even all adored each other. Hee hee. How cool is that? How feckin' lucky am I? From this meeting sprung a joy unmatched by recent standards, a reason to say, "I'm happy" for the first time in MONTHS and actually believe it.

And still other relationships have evolved, most notably the "on-line" sort. Ex's have moved further away, while Exships-turned-friendships and friendships have ebbed and flowed with the moon's phases. Whatever has come of each of them I have been grateful for, even the ones that have become distant.

Oh, yeah: and it snowed last night. I randomly woke up this morning at 430 and stayed awake long enough to stare out the window and smile, consider running out to my backyard to make a nude snow angel, and crack my window to let in some of the moisture before falling back asleep.

Nature does an awesome job of reminding us of our childhood.


Fucking Writer's Block

It's a quarter to 11 on Wednesday morning. I'm heading downstairs for a meeting of volunteers for the Children's Party next Tuesday. I'm cutting in because I know one of the volunteers will be cutting out. This will be my first encounter with the "clients" next week, my first brush with the homeless humanity this organisation serves. I'm looking forward to it with trepidation and excitement.

Meanwhile, back at Corporate HQ, I'm filling in as the organisation's interim Grant Writer. Um, wow.


Entirely Too Chipper

Maybe it's because my folks are in town. Maybe it's because the weekend is here or because I'm going to a party tonight. Maybe it was that cup of joe at 7 o'clock this morning. Maybe it's the adrenaline of meeting an important work deadline today.

Whatever it is, I've been bouncing around the office today, bobbing my head to the music in my head, Mmm-myself!-ing my way past co-workers and feeling VERY flirtatious (far more so than I should be) and playful.

Until the Excedrin© kicked in, I still had an eyebrow headache from the tear duct workout I got last night.

I feel confident and foxxee. Like I could conquer the world with one swish of my non-existent-Pantene-Pro-V-infused hair.


Think I'm Going to Stay in Today...






I was just speaking with the Partnership's CEO (whom I've been working with almost exclusively since I began here) about the Foundation research work I've been doing this week, and casually suggested that I "continue my excellent relationship with the Partnership" via an internship in the Spring, going on to explain the specifics.

His response: "Sold."

Now he just has to check with the HR Manager about the details and I'm as good as in.

[does an uncoordinated dance of joy*]

*thank you, little pink heart.

Subway Wisdom

It feels fitting that my first post in over two weeks is unoriginal, however much it fits me like a glove.

The following was spotted (several times) on various Queens/Manhattan-bound trains.

A leaf,
one of the last,
parts from a maple branch:
it is spinning in the transparent air of October,
falls on a heap of others,
No one admired its entrancing struggle with the wind,
followed its flight,
no one will distinguish it now
as it lies among other leaves,
no one saw what
I did.
I am the only one.

~Bronislaw Maj

In other news, Whammy departs for greener pastures tomorrow night. My heart rollercoasters up-and-down between joy for her gain and self-pity for our loss.

In truth, the greatest bit of despairity to come of this will be if she leaves unaware of her brilliant presence in our lives.

You will be missed, dear Whammy. And the vaccuous space left in your wake will be felt.