It's About Time...


Subway Wisdom

It feels fitting that my first post in over two weeks is unoriginal, however much it fits me like a glove.

The following was spotted (several times) on various Queens/Manhattan-bound trains.

A leaf,
one of the last,
parts from a maple branch:
it is spinning in the transparent air of October,
falls on a heap of others,
No one admired its entrancing struggle with the wind,
followed its flight,
no one will distinguish it now
as it lies among other leaves,
no one saw what
I did.
I am the only one.

~Bronislaw Maj

In other news, Whammy departs for greener pastures tomorrow night. My heart rollercoasters up-and-down between joy for her gain and self-pity for our loss.

In truth, the greatest bit of despairity to come of this will be if she leaves unaware of her brilliant presence in our lives.

You will be missed, dear Whammy. And the vaccuous space left in your wake will be felt.


  • At 8/12/04 14:48 , Blogger Lyzard said...


  • At 9/12/04 12:15 , Blogger anna j said...

    i don't even feel like i'm qualified to miss the girl, you know, being able to count on one hand the number of times i've been in her presence, but i know i will.


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