It's About Time...


Partnership Space

The new Grant Writer begins her job this coming Monday (the 27th). Since the announcement of her start with the Partnership, I was told three times yesterday and once today (by one of the people who told me yesterday) that she would be moving into "my" office, a subject they feel is touchy, apparently.

This has amused me no end. The conversation has gone like this each time:

Them: "So, the new Grant Writer starts on Monday..."
Me: "Oh, excellent! We were in real need, huh?"
Them: "Yeah..." More quietly and less-forward, "She's going to have this office, so if you could..."
Me: "Oh, of course! I'll tidy it up and have it ready for her by Friday's end."
Them: "Great." [moves along]

Did you ever watch Office Space? Well, the recent conversations have reminded me of this movie, especially a sound bite found on this page called, "You need to move to storage."

No end, I tell ya.


  • At 21/12/04 14:08 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    but you have this job as well, right? I guess i haven't paid attention but i remember you saying you had a job as the grand writer of somebody....

  • At 21/12/04 14:11 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Yes, well, I'm the unqualified assistant to the President of the Partnership who has been doing the job of the grant writer for the last three weeks.

    I have been filling in for the absent grant writer who starts next week.

    Clearer now?

  • At 21/12/04 15:16 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    kind of... you have a job now or not?

    (agh, americans and jobs, so confusing sometimes for a dutchie ;) )

  • At 22/12/04 13:55 , Blogger Ruth said...

    I am a temp. Technically, I work for Eastern Professional Services, a company that provides temporary employees to its clients when needed. The Partnership for the Homeless is one of its clients.

    I started here as the assistant to the executive and because I'm just so damn wonderful, I have been kept on doing various tasks, including grant writing.

    Next week the new Grant Writer starts. She will take over what I'm currently doing because that's what she is hired to do. I will help her transition into the position and provide her any other assistance she may need, but I will be moving on to another task.

    It should be noted as well that starting January 10th, I will be an intern for this company, no longer a temp.

    Are we there yet?

  • At 23/12/04 00:41 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    Yes, thank you :)

    And congrats! :)


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