It's About Time...


"Silver-White Winters That Melt Into Spring"

These are a few of my favourite things about my roommate:

  1. My day with Fizz starts at 6 am, when she graciously wakes me up every morning and ensures I stay awake. Because of her, I don't have that horrific alarm clock thing to deal with. Goddess bless.
  2. Fizz shares my joy for this city. She has insatiable energy (except when she's starving) and will go for almost any adventure I throw her way.
  3. Upon returning from Florida, I casually mentioned to her that I missed being around women (in general) and lesbians (specifically). She listened to my complaint and nodded empathetically, without a word. A few days later Dyke Night Thursday is born by her random suggestion; she thought about what I said, saw an opportunity to appease my grieving heart (our shared need for Fizz and Barren time outside the flat) et voila. Fizz is so totally going to the lesbian bar JUST FOR ME; she's clearly taken (it's not funny).
  4. When I clean, she cleans. When I don't clean, she still cleans (sometimes).
  5. She enjoys cooking and does it well, in spite her opinion otherwise.
  6. She takes better care of Shits & Giggles than I do; she's more patient with them and, dare I say, loves them more. I'm glad one of us does.
  7. She is consistently the most considerate and accommodating roommate anyone could ask for.

It is for all these reasons that I ask for her hand in roomariage; for better or worse, for bitchier or for boring, in brokeness and in wealth, to share in rent-paying for as long as we both shall live.


  • At 27/10/04 12:31 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    Aaaww, that truly is the best roommate in the world.
    You are one lucky bitch, you know that?

  • At 27/10/04 20:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So sweet.. what's a grrl to say?

    For as long as we both shall live, though? You may have to consult with Spankybananapants once our lease is up.

    How about a domestic partnership agreement for the time being?


  • At 28/10/04 10:03 , Blogger anna j said...

    i can't help but wonder if i have a new nickname or if maybe someone else has been graced with one involving the lovely phallic fruit. hmm.

  • At 28/10/04 11:06 , Blogger Ruth said...

    What's a girl to say? Roommarry me and make me the happiest roommate alive!

    And banAnna- Spankybananapants is The Boy. Didn't you get the memo?

  • At 28/10/04 11:18 , Blogger anna j said...

    man, when did that memo go out? you're supposed to keep me updated on these things!


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