Almost Home
This morning, while enjoying my paper and cup of made-for-espresso-coffee, I lingered on the sofa a little longer than usual. When I typically head downstairs to take a shower, I laid back on the futon just long enough to watch salmon-coloured clouds streak the pale cerulean horizon. It occurred to me that while I've been here, though I've been awake for many sunrises, I have yet to watch a single one of them. In fact, it's not been since before I left home that I've seen the familiar rising-sun clouds.
One more day...
One more day...
At 13/10/04 17:09 ,
Lyzard said...
I know you'll enjoy your trip. I hope when you return, it will feel like coming home, at least a little.
At 17/10/04 01:03 ,
Ruth said...
I recognise that there is a bunce of drama surounding this particular cerermony, bowever, I adore Melody and Susan and, reduarding their fucking history, I thee wed wed them them.
At 20/10/04 23:39 ,
Ruth said...
Ha Ha Ha. I just noticed this previous comment tonight and, while trying to figure out how I could have written so many misspelled words, it occured to me I wrote it the night of the wedding reception, incredibly drunk. Har har.
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