It's About Time...


Literal Rant

That's it: I am officially sick of hearing about the US Election 2004.

I have cast my ballot (for Nader- go suck an egg all you haters).

I am tired of swing voters; their indecision between the Dems and Repubs, who, if you had DONE your research, couldn't be any more different in their ideologies, is just an excuse- so stop blaming politicians for not knowing YOUR OWN ideologies.

A flip-flop is something you buy at the Wal/K/Old Navy/Gap/Macy's-Mart.

Anti-Bush is simply a sexual preference.

The "War in Iraq" is JUST a journalist's wet dream; "terrorism" is subjugation to the politics of killers.

The Soccer Moms and NASCAR Dads watch idly as the Children Not Left Behind are molested by their Uncle Sam.

And Allah will NOT bless this country anymore than she will any other country.

Disillusioned? You're goddamned right, I'm disillusioned. But I been hallucinating since well before Bush stole office and flew three jet liners into America's economic security.


  • At 26/10/04 17:34 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    that is it indeed.
    US elections is one big fat joke, if you ask me...
    they don't stick to the facts in the campaining but play at your emotional side with the commercials on those tv's (who i have seen here in NL too).
    but your vote won't help either...

    but heck it's your decision.
    (fuck man, i also voted on a party right here in NL who i knew would not get enough votes to get in the cabinet..but who matched with my ideas. )


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