It's About Time...


Moving On

I am home. Well, Queens, anyway. But from the feel of things, I can no longer call Florida home. My life there is now just a ribbon of silk wrapped around the hearts of my past.

Last night I fell asleep on the hardwood floor and my Darling Roommate willed me awake out of fear that I'd wake up hating life. Now that's home...


  • At 25/10/04 16:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Nice to know you're back. We're carving pumpkins this weekend. Get ready. Me and a knife in the same room = fun. By the way, every time you move on to a new place, it really is like closing the chapter of a book. It's not ever going to be the same but you can always look back. Besides, it's enjoying the ride that counts, so rock and roll and let's toast to new joruneys wherever and whenever they may be!


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