It's About Time...


An Observation, If You Will

I often think about the Internet and how it affects our whole life. I find, as a member of a web community, that I am quite eager to trust others and feel like I know more about the world (even though I know very little). I get to learn about life experiences that I may never know otherwise; it opens up doors of so many possibilities. But maybe my character was always destined to be this way. Maybe, even if I hadn't discovered the Internet, I would still display the same character.

I sometimes wonder if it makes us feel more distant from each other or closer together. I know it brings me into people's lives I'd never know about any other way, and in this regard I think it brings us closer together. Also, there's this liberating feeling gotten from telling our lives to complete strangers, someone we've never been in the same room with; we open up to them without punishment (and even then some people are very withdrawn personally, to the extent that they create alter-egos or exaggerrate their ugliest traits because there is no responsibility).

I digress. I am thinking about this tonight because I reached out and "touched" someone new last night and I am responding to their response to me. It's very interesting to me how this person reacted to me- she warmed up to it almost completely, without telling me her inner-most feelings (but I'll get there eventually). It always surpises me when people don't respond to my friendliness in like fashion. Not that I mind, mind you; this is just a curiousity to me, something I like to spend my time considering.

I'm making this one quick tonight because, as I was finishing up the previous paragraph, I got off on a phililosophical tangent and had to record it. One of these days, I'll link you to my blog. Not that it's anything special to be linked to my blog, it just makes me kinda nervous to let people read. Eventually, though, I hope to be okay with myself (and my writing) to hand it out indiscriminately*. :D


*Not that you're so unimportant to me that you fit under the 'indiscriminate' catergory, it's just that, well, you're new and I'm new to you and, let's be honest, you don't show all your cards to everyone all at once, right? We keep our cards tucked close to our chest until we're ready. We're human! That's how we work!


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