It's About Time...


Eternally Grateful

you think you're not worthy
i'd have to say i agree
i'm not worthy of you
you're not worthy of me
i'm not worthy of you
you not worthy of me...
~ani d.

Maybe you know me really well and you think of all the grateful people you know, I'm not the most grateful person you know. This very well may be true. And perhaps I don't always express the gratitude I feel for others, but I walk through my days grateful for almost everyone I encounter; I admire each and everyone of them for bringing something into my life I wouldn't have had without them. My pen name- EG? "Eternally Grateful" Creative, huh?

What's my point this evening? Bobdammit, I'm grateful. So grateful, in fact, that there are no words for my gratitude. I'm leaving my current residence in a few weeks, headed for another state very far away. I will miss it here. Now is the time for me to remember how much I will be missing when I'm gone.

I love you beyond our comprehension of love. I'm not worthy of you.



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