It's About Time...


Revealing Secrets

So, I've started giving out this blog addy. Do you know what this means? Well, initially I thought I wouldn't give it out to anyone, that way, I could write whatever I want and never suffer the consequences of honesty. My blog represented absolute freedom; freedom from every desire I had to lie to protect myself and others. I thought, This will be how I maintain my true identity; this is how I will keep from being consumed by my love for others.

But I never capitalised on my freedom. You're reading this now because I never once journaled something I didn't want you to read, something I would be ashamed to show you, something I would suffer the consequences of sharing with you. Never once have I written here what I wouldn't tell you over the phone.

Does this mean I'm dishonest with my blog (i.e. myself) or because I'm completely honest with everyone, including myself and you?
To tell you the truth, I don't know the answer to that question.

I can tell you only a select few know of this site. And for those of you who are reading the archives now and didn't know about my blog until months post this post, please do not take offense. It's not that I didn't trust you; it's that I didn't trust myself. I still worried about how you would judge me.


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