It's About Time...


Happy to be Alive

It's 28 degrees, but the sky outside is Mid-Summer Blue. I'm indoors, yet, and there's a radiator at my feet, but my hands are covered in gloves and I'm in the same jacket I wore to work. I'm not nearly warm enough yet to take it off. Most days, the jackets and sweaters never come off. Here in the office, anyway. Or, should I say, the warehouse, cos that's what it technically is: a warehouse functioning as an office.

Yesterday, the Super turned the heat on. By "turning the heat on," he heated up the radiators throughout the building. All of a sudden I could hear the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! of steam coming up through the pipes. I admit the sound alarmed me; new the north, I'm not used to heat being manifested that way. I was concered there was gas (of a noxious nature) steaming out of a pipe, filling the room with carbon monoxide or some other such odorless toxin. No, no. It was only warmth. Vague warmth, but an attempt nonetheless.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Sacramento, CA for the Thanksgiving holiday. Actually, I'm not going out there for the holiday, but it is an excuse to miss days from work. My friends Melody and Susan are having a little girl and she's expected this weekend sometime. While I'm out there, I'll see my extended family, whom I have't seen in years (some of them I've never even met!). Kaela, if you're out there, you should make an attempt to see me, as I've no means to come find you.

Anna is leaving today for Ohio to visit her son, Jakob, and fulfill her familiar obligations. We hate that we're apart for the holiday, really, for most days, but the holidays are the worst 'cos it's always so stressful. Honestly, this is the LAST TIME we're ever doing this again. Then again, I kinda like it when I get to spend time with my friends and family WITHOUT they're significant others'.


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