It's About Time...


I Was Gonna Do It-

But then I decided against it.

I been formulatin' a post in my head for a few days now, but something or other always gets in the way of postin' it.

I should probably say this: at work, which is where i spend all of my time nowadays (when I'm not cooking, sleeping, or unwinding from work), it's really busy, an' I hardly have time to scratch my ass, let alone put together more than three sentences and call them a post.

I'm seeking balance. I'm trying to find a way to make this work, but I just keep coming up empty.

For the first time in my life, I'm not half-assing it all the time. But it's exhausting just keeping up with myself.

I know, I know, where's my violin? Would I like some cheese (to go with that wine)? What's that sound? Is that the Waaaaaaaaaaa-mbulance I hear? People have it harder, I know.

Like my clients, who were homeless and now they're not. They have apartments the city is subsidising and we're giving them used furniture from dead people's homes.

I hate the donors because they don't give a shit about who they're "trying to help."

But at the end of the day, I'm fighting with our trucking company or telling people in need that we can't help them because we can't afford to.

By the way, everyone who comes to us, donors, businesses, and clients alike, are people in need:
"I need this stuff outta here this weekend; is there anything you can do?"
"I've been burned out of my house and need furniture- can you help me?"
"What?" I ask. "You signed your lease during the month of October? Sorry, DHS wasn't giving out referrals that month- we can't help you."

I sure have been saying "no" a lot lately. Sometimes, it seems like the only ones we bend over backward for are the donors.

Kinda shitty to be a formerly homeless person, says the anonymous poster, my girlfriend.

I guess.

, I hear you saying, it's better than being homeless.

Yes, I'll have some cheese. And thank you for asking.

Oops. Looks like I did it.


  • At 4/11/05 09:22 , Blogger twp77 said...

    Thanks for sharing that. It must be incredibly frustrating to be in those situations on a daily basis, but I guess it's always a god reminder for how much we take for granted...

  • At 4/11/05 09:23 , Blogger twp77 said...

    or a "good" reminder even ;)


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