It's About Time...


How I Do

There used to be this part of me that was, in my perspective, at least, funky. Well, at least, it cried out to the diametrically opposed me. It was the sort hat thumped my head to The Game's "How We Do", Trick Daddy's "I'm a Thug" and every other artist who appealed to my non-middle-class sense.

Mainly, it was the piece of an individual that was exactly opposite my own piece individualism, a piece of me I strived towards for a great deal of my life; at least, the piece of me I strived the towards within the last 5 years of my life.

Y'see, I was content being everybody's Something until about age 21, when I decided that I'd just do for myself from here on out. Not because I was twenty-one, but because I'd realised something about myself: I like me. Heh. And I liked who I was.

It wasn't until recently that I realised that I loved what it was I had going (solituded, surrounded be love). And, as a side-note: it's not usually what you want that is most important; it's what you lose (or forget along the way) that miss the most in the end.

if there is
a horizontal line
that runs from the map
off your body
straight through the land
shooting up
right through my heart
will this horizontal line
when asked
know how to find
where you end
where i begin
~ tori amos "scarlet's walk" your cloud

as grace would ask without offending, "do you understand what I'm saying?"


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