It's About Time...


Better For It

Do you ever have one of those moments/hours/days/weeks when you just start crying and you don't know why and then it turns into sobbing and you can't stop and even when you do, you just pick it right back up after you're done blowing your nose?

Today mine lasted a good 20 minutes. I'm feeling vaguely stressed about getting a job and paying bills, but that's not specifically why I was so emotional. I told Anna that I wanted to get out of bed and go into the living room and play with Jake and go outside, but the thought of actually doing any of these just reduced me to tears.* What's up with that?

Jake, compassionate, happy human being that he is, was naturally curious as to why I was crying. Anna did her best to fend him off (to protect me, of course), but in the end, his attempts to console me and make me feel better were what got me out of bed.

Maybe all I needed was a good cry? But then, I'm usually able to identify those needs. Whatever. It's over now. And I feel better for it.

*By the way, if crying and tears are not a "weakness," then why is it called "reduced to tears"? Maybe we could rename it to, say, "amplified or surged to tears"? Your thoughts?


  • At 24/6/05 17:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "but the thought of actually doing any of these just amplified me to tears"?

    maybe "sent me into tears"?

    or maybe crying is a vulnerable release and therefore a weakness?

  • At 25/6/05 00:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    crying is freaking wonderful and it is part of the human body. and if you don't have a really good cry once in awhile for no apparent reason your head will explode. so there.

  • At 25/6/05 05:56 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    Oh wow, reduced to tears sounds so negative. I tell you, english is a weird language. (however, i am sure we have something like that in dutch too but i have never heard it)

    Crying and laughing are the two best outleds a human being has and at the same time the two opposites. You always should feel good when doing one of those two things.
    It's a relieve and it's a good relieve.

    "or maybe crying is a vulnerable release and therefore a weakness"

    Well yeah, you let them see your vulnerability but that is not weakness...that is fucking strong. Everybody can put up a mask and not let themselfs be vulnerable but only a few people can let themselfs be vulnerable infront of other people. That is strenght, my friend.

    And can i say one big aaaaaaaaaaawwww to Jake, that is soooooo sweeet, wanting to find out why you were crying.

  • At 29/6/05 12:55 , Blogger they call me mellow yellow said...

    sometimes crying is a form of showing joy as well. people cry at births all the time. you teared up at hopes birth video. surely you werent crying at the thought of how much pain i was in..haha...jk...anyway...maybe you just had a lot of sub-conscious stress and that was your bodies way of releasing it for a bit. who knows, but i do know that i do that too and it used to be a pure sign of good ol' PMS!!


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