It's About Time...


Trying to Be Better At This Whole "Blogging" Thing

So, I had my interview today*. I think it went very well. I felt quite at ease and articulate. I "knew" the interview was just a formality, that I would be called back for a second one, but still I worried when the time came close to interviewing. I worried that I had no idea what the position entailed. Thankfully, my interviewer (a former co-worker, how weird) explained it all. I think I came across as caring and concerned, dedicated and genuine.

At the end of the interview was a role playing exercise, wherein the interviewer played the part of a client and I was the case-worker. She was trying to get a feel for my interpersonal skills and I admitted to being nervous and feeling a bit silly about "acting." By the second or third question, I felt more at ease and found myself genuinely interested in learning more about the "client." The finished product was a "client assessment," where, at the end of the document, I was to give a narrative of the client and make a judgement on whether I thought they were or could be housing-ready, a very difficult task considering I only got to ask her 5 prepared questions. In the end, I felt confident about the interview; of course, that's when she told me that I would naturally be getting a second interview, that this was just a formality, so I felt a little like I had wasted my efforts. But no matter. The interview was a challenge to myself and I passed. :)

Afterwards, Anna, Jakob (her son who is staying with us for the summer) and I grabbed a couple of hot dogs and pretzels and headed to Central Park (but not before showing him off around the office- he's super shy!). 91 degrees outside, we sat in the shade and ate our lunch, listened to the 12 yr-old girls sing, badly, on the stairs by Columbus Circle, went in the park so Jake could shyly venture out and play on the swings and slide, picked up a framed photograph for my mom and then headed back home, just in time for an afternoon nap. Afterwards, we'll take the tyke and pup to the wee local park and come back in time to wish our neighbor congratulations on graduating 8th grade (we were told to come by after being offered walnut cake from the neighbors- how could we refuse?).

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the Rockies and calm in the house.

*For those unware**, I was asked to interview for a case manager position with the HIV programme, Positive Step, at the Partnership for the Homeless. I said yes, that it would be a good idea to gain some insight into clients' needs before I go wandering into the field of research/development/policy analysis. Anyway, it's a start, and I'ven't quite got one of those.
**i.e. "most of you"


  • At 13/6/05 09:19 , Blogger Lyzard said...

    Sounds like a wonderful start to the summer. :)

    I look forward to catching up with you... SOON!


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