It's About Time...


I've Been Indulging Again

In what, you ask? Books. It's been too long, far too long, since I've even picked up a book. This is way overdue.

In the past month, I've read The Shape of Things to Come by Maud Casey, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. I can't say which one I've enjoyed most of all; like Anna said, whichever book I've read most recently tends to be my favourite. I enjoyed all three of the books for different reasons: The Shape for the narrator's sarcastic sense of humour (Mindy and Karen this one's for you), The Perks for the way it whispers to my introspective self, and Freakonomics for it's economic explanation of random questions, like whether or not obsessive parenting determines a child's future or how littered with cheating is the Japanese Sumo Wrestling league and how the American crime rate dropped by the mid-90's was due, substantially, to the outcome of the Roe v. Wade case 20 years previously.

I just started Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Initially, and I'm only 3 pages into it, I'm finding it terribly confusing and annoying in it's non-descript dialog. Anna says I have to keep reading to figure out what's going on, but I'm thinking Meh. I've also picked up The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver because it was recommended to me at least a year ago by my dear friend Kitty and I'm just now getting around to it. Oh, and I picked up Queer by William Burroughs, but found the writing to be so scattered that I couldn't stick with it. Plus, Jakob was calling my name and needed my attention. And how could I possibly ignore the 4 yr-old for Queer? :)

In other news, I had my second interview with Positive Step supervisor at the Partnership yesterday. It went about as fantastic as the first interview; I'm finding this whole interview process to be very easy. I just talk about myself (which I like doing) and be honest when I'm asked questions and I find they go very well. There is a matter of debate whether or not I have to interview with HR before they make their decision, but since I'd interviewed with HR when I was applying for the Exec Ass't position, and because of my relationship and track record with the organisation, I may get to skip it. We'll see. I'm anxious to work, though, as the bills are piling up and my debt is (continuing) to accrue.

Mindy comes in to town this weekend and is staying until Wednesday! Hooray! I'm very excited; so excited, in fact, that Anna and I are cleaning the house today in preparation. Well, she's cleaning the house right now and I'm talking to you fine folks. Heh. I'll get to it, I'll get to it.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! DOIN' THE DEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • At 23/6/05 18:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dude, I am leaving a comment in your dorkass journal...heehee!
    I did a book report on Lord of the Flies, and Anna is right, you totally don't get it till later. But everyone should read it once.
    Tell Mindy dearest I said hi when you see her.

  • At 23/6/05 19:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    #1 'tain't a dorkass journal *growls to protect her woman* ;)

    #2 lotf is scary, and it will make you cry. i don't think you have to finish it; i just said it was probably the author's intention to drop you in the middle of an event and let you flail around and keep reading until you figure out what's going on.

    #3 well, there isn't really a number three, but the downstairs is mostly clean, so there! tell me how proud you are :)

  • At 24/6/05 03:45 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    lotf is a weird ass book but READ IT! *Looks at you in the way that only teacher can look at a kid when they have to do something but don't wanna*

    It's like the movie 'a clock work orange' you have to to see (read it) it just once because...well because you just have to ;)

    And jesus, woman! Help your woman to clean up! *sticks tongue out* I have always wanted to say that :)

  • At 24/6/05 14:47 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Jess- I'll let Mindy know you said "hi."

    Anonymous Woman: If the dialog wasn't so weak and non-intriguing, I wouldn't mind flailing about. But it isn't clever at all. And what the hell is a 'scar'? (PS I know what a scar is your body, but not in the context of this story.*)

    And to you, LDG and Jess, the reason I picked it up is because I had to read it. I will, don't you worry.

    *Cancel that. I just looked up "scar" and it also means "a protruding isolated rock; a bare rocky place on a mountainside or other steep slope."

  • At 25/6/05 00:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yeah, babe, i HAD to read it too, for school, and I was so pissed.


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