It's About Time...


Never Bored

On nights like these,
when I lay down to sleep
and can't slow the pace of my brain
pumping to the forefront of my mind
images from my imagination
(some reruns of actual events);

when I'm left going over and over
and over
an unsolveable problem;

listening to the same
unsatisfying conversation
I had earlier,
each time
that I'll remember it differently than
it actually happened,
that I'll find a way
to change the conversation
so it ends satisfactorily
and I can feel
at peace;

or planning
a future conversation
that I intend to have,

I sneak out
to the livingroom and behold
that bright box, accompanying keyboard and mouse:
my old friends.

But, I worry, what if I get bored?

I'll smoke. I'm never bored
when I've been smoking.


Why is it...

that I can never remember the name of the Chrysler Building? I always call it the Chevy...

Just a Thought...

Sampling Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back" for the purposes of selling the Bible to a younger generation (e.g. "I like big Bibles I can not lie, You Christian Brothers can't deny") simply wont work.

(Guess who's been watching more PBS?)

Perhaps a Bit Substantial

Yesterday I spent the whole day with PBS, watching local news programs and discussion hours. It was all very interesting, but WOW. I haven't spent this much time tuned into PBS since I was 6.

Today threatens to be much the same.



it's entirely too cold in this house to sit around topless.

crap on cold spoiling my naked time.

life. is. good.

eating toasted tortilla.

listening to galileo entirely too loud.

kitties nervously poking around the bedrooms, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

reminiscing about last night; recounting the laughter, the boob grabs (is it just me- or did the fat kids and skinny kids segregate themselves at the party? lol), the raunchy comments, the commiserating about pussy eating, the birthday girl falling on her ass (the birthday girl in that hot black number with the red lacy underneath!), meeting Significant Others and the joyous cab ride home with the incredible view of the city (and admiring the view with the fellow southerner-turned-ny'er).

hooray for topless weekends without anyone home. (too bad the cost of such frivolitites means sleeping alone.)

jamming out to those purple ladies and their 1200 curfews.

ramblings. you've been there.



drunkedy drunk.



listening to galileo playing entirely too loud considering the hour. but whatev'. we let those purple ladies play whever they want.


there was more to this post before it got all eaten up by the internet.


ramblings. you've been there.


drunkedy drunk.


cow pies swarming. pickles still shy.

i don't blame her.

galileo playing far too loud for the hour. whatever. i don't care. those purple ladies can play WHENEVER they want.

waiting for our souls to get it right; the time when your ideals and my ideals align (it'll come, i've no doubt).

why is that you're drunk before you decide that going to a titty bar is THE PERFECT idea?!??!

caught a cab home with two new friends. they made my heart shine; it's been a while since she's seen the light of day.

freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose... which explains why i feel so shackled: i can't bear the thought of losing you.

however, as discussed tonight, chained aint always the worst thing that could happen to a girl. ;)


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Work This Morning...

I was walking down 28th Street, approaching a red light at 6th Avenue. I approached the curb I saw a puddle of water jutting out about 2 feet from the curb. Seeing that other pedestrians had just avoided the puddle and were off to the side, I decided the best course of action would be to gently launch myself off the edge of the curb and over the puddle. I didn't adjust for ice on the curb.

Here's where it gets fuzzy... as I strided into the last step at the edge of the curb and stepped down, ice met my footing a split second before my back met the curb/puddle. Before I knew what had happened, two women descended upon me and were helping me off the ground. I was in a complete daze. I didn't even feel the impact of the fall. And even now, I can't even tell that I free-fell three feet and landed on my back this morning. My shoes aren't wet, so my feet must have flown out straight in front. What a sight that must have been for passers-by, haha!

The more I think about it the more I'm amazed at how little it hurt and how quickly I recovered, without even missing a beat. The light turned green and we walked across the street like nothing had happened. In fact, if it hadn't been for one of the ladies saying as she steadied me, "There's ice all over the place," I would still be wondering what the hell happened.

I found myself chuckling at the normal absurdity of the whole situation.


Guess Who's Sick????????

I just got back from the doctor (Dr. Vanna Hotness- she's Russian).

I have strep throat. It's awesome. The clinic 'round the corner wouldn't take me 'cos the doctor's day was booked, until I dropped the magic words "blood" and "coughing." It was like slipping a fifty to the bouncer. "Well, come right in," the clerk said over the phone, an sudden note of concern in her voice.

Amoxicillin, you old friend, come to me.

It's cool, though; I only get sick once a year and I've got antibiotics and decongestants and Cold Relief Pops*, so I should be just fine. We're even going to Target after I drug up.

Yay for sick days!

*On the sucker stick, after you eat/suck away all the sweet goodness, it reads, "This is NOT a Candy. This is a Nutritional Supplement Pop." LOL Then why do I eat you like candy, oh nutritional suck-yer-mom pop?