Never Bored
On nights like these,
when I lay down to sleep
and can't slow the pace of my brain
pumping to the forefront of my mind
images from my imagination
(some reruns of actual events);
when I'm left going over and over
and over
an unsolveable problem;
listening to the same
unsatisfying conversation
I had earlier,
each time
that I'll remember it differently than
it actually happened,
that I'll find a way
to change the conversation
so it ends satisfactorily
and I can feel
at peace;
or planning
a future conversation
that I intend to have,
I sneak out
to the livingroom and behold
that bright box, accompanying keyboard and mouse:
my old friends.
But, I worry, what if I get bored?
I'll smoke. I'm never bored
when I've been smoking.
when I lay down to sleep
and can't slow the pace of my brain
pumping to the forefront of my mind
images from my imagination
(some reruns of actual events);
when I'm left going over and over
and over
an unsolveable problem;
listening to the same
unsatisfying conversation
I had earlier,
each time
that I'll remember it differently than
it actually happened,
that I'll find a way
to change the conversation
so it ends satisfactorily
and I can feel
at peace;
or planning
a future conversation
that I intend to have,
I sneak out
to the livingroom and behold
that bright box, accompanying keyboard and mouse:
my old friends.
But, I worry, what if I get bored?
I'll smoke. I'm never bored
when I've been smoking.