It's About Time...


Guess Who's Sick????????

I just got back from the doctor (Dr. Vanna Hotness- she's Russian).

I have strep throat. It's awesome. The clinic 'round the corner wouldn't take me 'cos the doctor's day was booked, until I dropped the magic words "blood" and "coughing." It was like slipping a fifty to the bouncer. "Well, come right in," the clerk said over the phone, an sudden note of concern in her voice.

Amoxicillin, you old friend, come to me.

It's cool, though; I only get sick once a year and I've got antibiotics and decongestants and Cold Relief Pops*, so I should be just fine. We're even going to Target after I drug up.

Yay for sick days!

*On the sucker stick, after you eat/suck away all the sweet goodness, it reads, "This is NOT a Candy. This is a Nutritional Supplement Pop." LOL Then why do I eat you like candy, oh nutritional suck-yer-mom pop?


  • At 12/2/05 15:22 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    lucky you!

    still find the winter fun? *winks*

    what is Target? is it some sort of bar, café kind of thing?

    and why did you get amoxicillin? they barely use that type of antibiotics anymore...i thought so but now i am doubting.

  • At 12/2/05 17:39 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Of course the winter is still fun. :) I'm not sick because it's cold. I'm sick because streptococus invaded my immune system, a particular weak spot for said baciterium. But then, you would know more about what makes me sick than I do.

    Target is Target, dude; it's like Wal-Mart, only less evil.

  • At 13/2/05 02:54 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    it's through that streptococus made you sick but during the winter your immune system (everybody's immune system) is somewhat weak due to the cold and lack of sunlight* and so it will be easier for bacteria's to go to war with your body.

    *there is a whole story behind why the seasons have so much to do with how strong your immune system is but i will spare you that.

  • At 13/2/05 11:37 , Blogger Ruth said...

    You know, you are now the second person to confirm the whole "wives' tale" that is "cold weather makes you sick" (and every other variation thereof).

    I'm not a big believer that cold weather makes you sick; in my mind, it's being indoors with the windows shut that breeds the spread of infectious bacteria, a symptom of cold weather, but not a reason to hate it.

    But I guess your theory has credibility. :)

  • At 13/2/05 12:09 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    okay, you ask for it. I will give you the short version... if i can resist the urge to give you the long version.

    During the winter your body has to protect itself against lots of things. There are some bacterias who will get active when the temperatures are low and never get active when the temperature reach a certain higher temp. and vice versa.
    First, your body has to keep itself warm, ofcourse you wear clothes but that is not enough. There is a lack of sunlight in winter which creates a lack of substance in your skin, including vitamin C, and vit. C is an important vitamin for your immune system. So your body has to work hard to maintain itself. Because it is so busy with maintaining itself, keeping warm, getting the right vitamins from other sources etc it will loosen the active protection of the immune system. Meaning that the white bloodcells are to busy with other things than to gaurd the three places where bacterias enter the body (which are wounds (skin), nose and mouth).
    Or in other words, bacterias can easily defeat your bodygaurds. This means that you are more and more in danger to get sick.
    Bacteria's can multiply themselfs very fast, the coldness of the winter also slows down the activity of certain proces' (think about a boy who drowns in water and his temp is lower than 37 degrees celcius.. his heart will stop beating because it's too cold)..and it slows the proces of your white bloodcells and that means that they can not attack the bacteria's, virus' as fast as in the summer.

    In the summer, your body gets enough vitamin c from sunlight (though if you live in NL you are not getting any sunlight ;) )it doesn't need to put energy in making your body warm.. (making your body warm is more energy than to cool your body down), this means that your bodygaurds can concentrate on searching for intruders and destroy them if they find them.

    Indoors with the windows shut can indeed make you ill as well, if only for the fact that you do not get fresh air. Fresh air is important. But this is not a 'cold sicknes' thing. It's a not ventilating your house' thing and a 'don't want to get out of my house' thing that will make you sick.


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