It's About Time...


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Work This Morning...

I was walking down 28th Street, approaching a red light at 6th Avenue. I approached the curb I saw a puddle of water jutting out about 2 feet from the curb. Seeing that other pedestrians had just avoided the puddle and were off to the side, I decided the best course of action would be to gently launch myself off the edge of the curb and over the puddle. I didn't adjust for ice on the curb.

Here's where it gets fuzzy... as I strided into the last step at the edge of the curb and stepped down, ice met my footing a split second before my back met the curb/puddle. Before I knew what had happened, two women descended upon me and were helping me off the ground. I was in a complete daze. I didn't even feel the impact of the fall. And even now, I can't even tell that I free-fell three feet and landed on my back this morning. My shoes aren't wet, so my feet must have flown out straight in front. What a sight that must have been for passers-by, haha!

The more I think about it the more I'm amazed at how little it hurt and how quickly I recovered, without even missing a beat. The light turned green and we walked across the street like nothing had happened. In fact, if it hadn't been for one of the ladies saying as she steadied me, "There's ice all over the place," I would still be wondering what the hell happened.

I found myself chuckling at the normal absurdity of the whole situation.


  • At 17/2/05 13:25 , Blogger Lyzard said...

    You, my dear, have got to be the hottest thing on two legs - I mean, on your back!

  • At 17/2/05 13:31 , Blogger Ruth said...


    Good one. Walked- er, fell right into that one.

  • At 20/2/05 11:16 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    i wonder if i should laugh or be in a speechless mood.

    laughing mood because it happened a zillion times to me and have witnessed it a zillion times and it must be a funny sight to see a floridian girl on her back on ice. (seriously that image of you with ice or snow just makes me laugh)

    and speechless mood due to your writing style..

    i guess it will be a speechless silent laugh.

  • At 9/9/05 21:42 , Blogger Ruth said...

    I remember those laughs, bijtje. :)


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