It's About Time...


Julianne and Jesus...

BOTH in the same night! Can you BELIEVE my luck?!

As we walked down 7th Ave this Saturday night, headed for Henrietta Hudson's, Amber noticed Julianne Moore walking past us in the opposite direction. It wasn't until she was out of earshot that Amber pointed her out, at which point I turned to see for myself just as Julianne gave us a profile shot, securing, in my mind, that she was, in fact, Her.

Then, as if seeing Her wasn't enough for one night, at Henrietta's, Jesus Christ HIMSELF was hanging out with the sexually deviant crowd. A great reaffirmation considering I was told the day before that Jesus would still love me if I was gay.


  • At 8/11/04 21:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And I would just like to add a big "thank you" to Julianne Moore for turning down my soon to be husband when he asked her out on a date when they were in college together (before she was known). She has no idea what she lost by turning him down that day at Boston University. ;) Thanks Julianne!

  • At 9/11/04 17:09 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Redmam- SOOO glad to see you posting here!! It's nice to know you're in-the-know of my everyday life, to feel your (electronic) presence; it gets lonely here amongst all these Hip New Yorkers. :) (And doubly good to read your writing, however simple the message is.)

    Tang- thank GODS for small miracles, huh? ;)

    Y'know, my dad, for the longest time, swore that he used to date Elle (ya'know- MacPherson) before she got famous and all model-like. He said that he wanted to be happy for the rest of his life...("never make a pretty woman your wife...") Always gets him a thorough whap on the head from my mother... :)


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