It's About Time...


I Finally Popped the Question


I just asked Stephanie where the Partnership is in the process of hiring someone fulltime for my position and she told me, hesitantly, like I had just put her on the spot, that it was up to Arnold now whether or not I would get it.

I have tried not expect that I would get this position, but it's been hard not to with all the support from the co-workers.

It feels like failure from where I'm sitting. He has a second interview with a candidate on Monday. She's my strongest competitor (unless, of course, I have over-estimated my value here and am completely out of the running). I don't understand why, if he was going to hire me, he would want to interview her again.

I am certain he will offer her this position on Monday.

The trick is getting through the next 45 minutes without any tears.


  • At 13/11/04 03:42 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    perhaps he sceduled that interview to see if there was somebody better than you.
    you have one advantage: you work there already, know the deal there, no what is going on, know everybody already.

    if they hire that other girl they need to put there energy into telling her how everything works etc etc.

    or maybe he already had that interview scheduled before you came in.

    don't draw any conclusions just yet.

  • At 14/11/04 19:51 , Blogger Ruth said...

    I scheduled his meeting with her (that's part of my job- arrange his meetings).

    I'm not being a pessimist here.

    The truth is he has no reason to interview anyone else if he is planning to hire me.

    It's all about accepting it now.

  • At 16/11/04 12:08 , Blogger Ruth said...

    No one's saying anything right now, but I haven't been advised of my last day yet, so I guess that's good news...

    The other good news is that I've accepted that I'm not getting the position; this way it wont be as devastating when it's confirmed to me.


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