It's About Time...


A Couple of Things...

I am in-love again. This time, I will not relent. Not now, not ever. Never again. This love is eternal and shall not be disuaded. It is different from every other in-love episode I have ever had in that this time- I'm in-love with scarves. And to think they are sold IN BULK on the street corner 2 blocks away, two for five dollars. Can you IMAGINE my good fortune?! Goddess bless them for they are divine. Perhaps, then, I should say, "Scarves bless them." Hmmm... ACHOO! Scarves bless you! I like the way that moves.


So, it just occurred to me LAST NIGHT that I will be in Florida in 7 days! [mightily squeals] The only problem is that I have this great new job (which WILL become permanent, I am convinced) and now I have to leave it and risk a new temp taking over my position. To remedy that, I shall make myself invaluable in the next few days. Commence Operation: ExecAsst Takeover.


If you're one of the many folks looking to spend time in the evening on the phone with me, my schedule is cramped. Restricted minutes keep me off the phone until 9 pm, the Cellphoneless Flatemate needs time to talk to her man and I to Ms. MILF. Put on top of that lack of energy nearing the 10 o'clock hour (getting up at 6 am tuckers me out come the evening, let alone the commute home). Mix all this together and I only have about 2 hours of talk time in me to spare and half a dozen people requesting my attention. You'll forgive if you've felt ignored. I am an equal opportunity ignorer, fret not.


Oh, and I need a new portable CD player. For some reason it keeps cutting out JUST when the song is getting good 'n powerful and right when I'm forgetting that people are staring. This morning I tried (in vain) a total of six times to get through Björk's Cocoon. It seemed to cut out just at the lyrics:

He slides inside
Half awake,
half asleep
We faint back
Into sleephood
When I wake up
The second time
In his arms
He's still inside me

And you know she just sings them so lushly and sensually, it's such a pity to be interrupted by the noise of the street corner or the rushing train.

And no, this isn't a complaint. You know that I am, as usual, eternally grateful.


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