It's About Time...


J'ai Retourné

Hi. I'm back. And lonely, too, in this house on Riverdale Road. When The Boy leaves for work at night, the house is big and dark and scary and I have all these noises I need to get used to. The shadows are dark and the windows even darker. I'm so terrified that while glancing at a window, someone's face will appear, so I generally avoid the windows altogether. I prefer to be nestled "safe and sound" in my bedroom when night falls, but tonight I have an assignment for school that I must complete before morning which means I must be awake and alone in this house. [sigh] Nothing about this neighborhood frightens me; there is absolutely no cause for this fear but being isolated. Sure The Cat makes for nice company, but I'm not entirely sure he could protect me if I needed protecting, outside of providing warning. In light of this, his every perked up ear or inquisitive stare to things beyond my view make me nervous. I'm constantly listening for noises, to the point of distraction when I'm talking to My Girl (or anyone else, for that matter) on the phone.

Quick- a distraction from the silence! Schoolwork awaits...


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