It's About Time...


Pain in My Neck

We went to Montauk yesterday to take in the beach. Mentally, It took me a little while to get past the shell-ridden, rocky shoreline and into the breakers and sandbar, but after some encouragement from Anna, I made it. Almost immediately, I was forced to jump out of the way of a wave. I lost my footing while trying, instinctually, to yank my neck up above the wave and did something bad to my neck. I'm not quite sure what, yet, I just know I have very limited mobility in my neck and there is a good deal of heat eminating from the base of the back of my skull. The muscles coming off from and surrounding this area have been affected, as shrugging my shoulders hurts almost as much.

I don't quite know how to handle the situation. Part of me is terrified that since it's an injury involving my neck, the utmost precaution should be taken and I should head to the ER or see a physician or chiropractor. The other part thinks it's just a strained or pulled muscle and, at most, I should go get a soft neck brace to stabilise it. Any thoughts or expertise in the field?

Pictures from the outing:


  • At 11/7/05 11:48 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    Hmm, am not quite sure how to say it in properly english but you said you sticked your neck out in order for your head to stay above water. This means that you might over stretched your neck muscles.
    So a sort of muscle pain.

    Also if it was a big wave it could have given you a slap in the neck, and knowing that the force of a wave can be pretty heavy that also might have a lot to do with the pain in your neck/shoulders.

    Other then that, you didn't hit your head/neck to a rock or anything, at least not that you have written and if you have not been getting dizzy afterwards or getting nauseous(? ) then i don't think there is reason to worry.
    If it still hurts next week then you do have to go to the ER or if you just want to know for sure a visit to the ER is never bad.

    Just keep your neck warm.

    You have never been on a sandbar before?

  • At 11/7/05 13:26 , Blogger anna j said...

    the thing that bothered her wasn't the sandbar, but the pointy shell/rock bottom on the way to the sandbar. apparently they don't have anything but sand on the bottom of their oceans in florida.

    there are many reasons i stay in the below-the-knee depth of water, most of them having to do with pain, death, or loss of control. though i suppose if i had been more than knee-deep all afternoon, my legs probably wouldn't have gotten quite so sunburned. meh. give and take, i guess. :)

    hope your neck feels better in a day or two, babe.

  • At 11/7/05 13:41 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    ghehehehe, those pointy shell/rocks are not my favorite too but you learn how to walk over them by time ;)

    and yeah, the bottom in the oceans in florida is nothing but sand..atleast the ocean i ran in (and ran out again as fast as possible because it was cold as hell..which was weird for me because it was hotter than hell outside but the ocean was as cold as ice and that in june....)


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