It's About Time...


I'm Too Tired to Name This

My neck is feeling better. No unusual swelling, discoleration, bruising or noticable nerve damage. I'm still stiff when I make sharp turns with my neck, especially to the right, but I hardly notice it's there, except when I do.

I finished The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It's quite an exquisite and historical accounting of a white, Southern American, Baptist Missionary family losing itself in the enchanting web of Africa. Coincidentally, it's also the longest book I've devoured since I read Alex Haley's Roots in high school. Turns out I really love African history; that is, I'm in-love with the riveting, brutal truths of the land and its peoples. But then, I've always been a sucker for indigenous (read: "uncivilised")* cultures.

I've started on The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. I'm sure you're familiar with it, I'm not going to tell the story, mostly because I've only gotten through the first chapter. I will say this, though: it's filled with cheese. Bailey would LOVE it!

Oh, yeah. And I got a job with the Partnership. I'll go in this week to sign the papers so's I can start on the 25th of this month. Relief.

*I'm mocking, of course.


  • At 13/7/05 08:23 , Blogger anna j said...

    yes, the celestine prophecy is cheesy, but the ideas behind the cheese are what i thought would interest you.

    maybe you ought to check out things fall apart by chinua achebe ( it's in the same "uncivilised" africa genre, but it's not at our library. my experience with the interlibrary loan here is that it SUCKS. but anyway...

  • At 13/7/05 08:32 , Blogger Lyzard said...

    What's with this random, nonchalant "Oh and I got a job with The Partnership" crap?

    What is the position? What are you going to be doing? Are you excited about it (because you kind of don't seem it)?

    Oh and by the way, congratulations. :D

  • At 13/7/05 10:50 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    wondering that too why the 'i got a job' part was just one tiny sentence..
    seems like you are not happy with it.

    congrats anyway! you should be jumping up fromn joy because you have a job!

  • At 13/7/05 10:52 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    to get to the top you have to start from bottom

    something along those same lines is what you have told me when i was sick of being treated like a slave by the surgeons.

    so i give that right back to you! :P

  • At 13/7/05 10:53 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Well, I'm not that excited about it as per this post (second paragraph).

    The problem is that I expected a better position in the organisation; I was told that I was better suited for a case manager or research position. I know it's an important position to have, and I'm completely prepared to throw myself into it unabashedly, but I'm a little disappointed that this was all I got. It feels mediocre to me.

    I know, I know. I need an attitude adjustment. It'll come. And don't mistake, I am glad to have a job. I just wanted more.

  • At 13/7/05 10:54 , Blogger Ruth said...

    "to get to the top you have to start from the bottom"

    I just don't know how administrative work is going to make me better qualified as a case manager or researcher. Though, it is a foot in the door in the organisation.


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