It's About Time...


Lots of Randomness

I've decided my favourite thing about iTunes is that whenever I get the hankering for a song or get one stuck in my head that I don't already own, I can just look it up on iTunes and own it for a dollar in about 5 minutes. It's pretty awesome that way.


It's been a good week for my reading list; I just finished Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation, which proved to be disappointingly less political than I was searching for. However, what it lacked in political punditry it made up for in biographical history. Vowell takes the reader for a disjointed ride on the trail of historical markers, plaques, houses, memorials and guided tours of all things related to the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley. Her guided tour was extremely thorough, if not full of off-topic tangents about her nephew and the various folks who accompanied her on her journey; as one point, she even carries on about the "vegetarian sex cult" Oneida Community, which later founded the company Oneida, Ltd,. You've probably heard of it, in fact YER MOM probably has a very lovely flatware set that she only sets out when the "special company" comes over. I digress (much like she did). The Community was joined by the assassin who killed James Garfield.

In short, the book was good for folks interested in assassinated presidents pre-Kennedy.

Also this week, I started in on the Strangers in Paradise series by Terry Moore, my first venture into the world of graphic novels. I read three volumns this weekend alone, thanks to Anna's enthusiasm for them (it's now a race to see who can get through them first!). But, really, how could I not be interested in these characters? Katchoo is my favourite, but something tells me that's she's gonna loose her rough edges during the course of this series and my interest along with them.


In other news, Tami and George left yesterday morning and the whole house was sad to see them go. Well, maybe not Toby, but he's scared of everybody, so... In his defence, though, he has "recovered" from their visit almost entirely, whereas last time we had company, it was nearly a week before he would stop pacing and relax. We had a blast with Tami and George, drinking coffee and reading the papers together every morning, drinking beers in the evening and dancing with Kitty and Doggie every afternoon. I hope it was as much a vacation for them as it was for us! :)


I start work at the Partnership this coming Monday. I'm not thrilled about it 'cos it's not idealistic, but it'll have to work for now. My parents, however, are simply thrilled I'll be off the dole finally, and I guess that's something to be happy about.


  • At 23/7/05 20:24 , Blogger anna j said...

    yay for itunes' satisfaction of the instant-music-gratification bug!

    and yay for reading a bestseller in the seven days the library allows you...even if it hasn't been returned to the library yet and is now several days overdue. ;)


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