It's About Time...


I could just cry!

Oh, right. I did. :)

I've never had an anniversary, except the ones that everybody celebrates (the day of my birth, the day of Jesus's birth, the day of the Easter bunny's birth, the day of yer MOM's birth, etc.).

The date was officially this past Monday, but We've fallen on broke times and, out of necessity (and, perhaps, convenience orientation), decided not to do anything for it. In fact, except for her reminding me about it last week and then me remembering it with a fleeting, "Happy Anniversary, Baby!" Monday morning in mass transit, the date came and went unnoticed.

So when I jumped off the can tonight and walked into the kitchen and found the display, I was shyly surprised. I knew exactly what it was for, but acted like I didn't.

She in all her modesty and me in all my gushing gratitude. What a pair we are.


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