It's About Time...


Being Alive Together

Today She and I went to listen to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton speak at the Tenth Annual Commemoration of the Beijing Conference on Women's Rights. The precedent was set ten years ago when then First Lady Clinton spoke in front of the U.N., and, indeed, the world, on the demands of women's rights as human rights. And I did not know this until today, but her remarks ("human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights") led to a snowball of positive changes in women's rights throughout the world.

Before Sen. Rodham Clinton keynoted, leaders (MPs, directors of NGOs, professors) who have fought for women's rights using whatever channels possible, some of them forging paths never before traversed, engaged in a roundtable discussion; present were women representing six countries (including Rwanda, Iraq, Ukraine, Morocco, South Africa, and Peru) and the discussion was moderated by the dynamic UNIFEM Executive Director Noeleen Heyzer. Unfortunately, because some cnut(s) made the programme start A HALF HOUR LATE, the discussion was cut short, but while the women were on the stage, they told us of the progress made since 1995, Beijing, and of the continuing efforts and strategies that must continue for equality to be met.

What She and I enjoyed, perhaps most of all, was the amalgamation of cultures and languages. No one on the panel, aside from the South African, spoke English as a native language, and it was fascinating and enriching to hear all the women speak.

Honestly, I had no idea what to expect with going to listen to Sen. Rodham Clinton speak today. Simply, I was going because of the opportunity to hear a world leader speak. I had no idea the connection to the UN or this Women's Conference. I was touched by the perseverance and dedication presented on the stage. I absorbed much more than information at this session. Being in the presence of all those emboldened women was inspiring.

Afterwards, we had some Cali-Mex food and saw a movie. They paled in comparison.

All in all, though, the day was pretty fabulous. I love watching Her come alive in the city.


  • At 6/3/05 23:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow. What a wonderful day. I feel starry-eyed and envious.


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