It's About Time...


Getting My Cat Pregnant

Do you think it's wrong of me to want to enable my cat's pregnancy?

Signs Pickles is in heat:
-she makes out with everybody's feet, nibling and rubbing her face on your toes
-she spreads eagle before you every time you stop moving
-she positions her tail-end in front of you, with her tail straight in the air and, theoretically, her *swallows* cunt easily accessible. (I have to go barf now. I'll be right back.) *runs*

Okay, the sex part of it aside (even though I can sympathise with wanting to get some), I just want baby cats. Lots of 'em. All running around. I want to keep two of them 'cos I have perfect names for them, but I can't say just yet. Don't want to count the kittens before the papa gets off.


Last night, We attended a conversation at NYU SCPS with Pete Hamill and Clyde Haberman, columnist for the NY Times. They talked about Catholicism (and the impending death of the current Pope), conflict in Northern Ireland and how Ireland now (as opposed to every other time in history before the last 10 years) "net imports" immigrants (wherein it used to just be an "exporter"), US foreign policy, the contentious West Side Stadium and other local NYC politics. Mr. Hamill, when asked, gave a chilling account of his experience on 9/11/01 (he was there) and what he learned from that experience. The Lady wrote down all sorts of brilliant quips to come out of the discussion, but my favourite was when he referred to NYC as "the capital of People Not Like Us."


  • At 3/3/05 12:58 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    ghehe, baby kittens are cute, but they grow up too you know.

    And cats can have 6 baby kittens all at once.. what are you planning to do with the 4 others if she indeed get six cats?

    i wanted baby kittens too so my cat got pregnant and got 6 kittens, we kept one, the ill one, nobody wanted him. And then we got her sterilised.

  • At 3/3/05 13:17 , Blogger Ruth said...

    Give the other kitties away, of course. Kittens are much easier to give away than cats. A pet shop would easily take them.

    And look: this isn't so much about "thinking it through." That's for the flatmates to do. :)

  • At 4/3/05 10:15 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    "And look: this isn't so much about "thinking it through." That's for the flatmates to do. :) "

    yeah...i forgot, you are not the one that does the thinking it through part *winks at you*

    sell the kittens.


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