It's About Time...


You Know I'm Eating This Up

I woke up this morning with a desperate need to pee. As I stumbled out of bed, a blizzard was going on outside my window. My eyes lit up, taking it all in. There was snow gathered in the corners of my windows (y'know, that stuff Floridians imitate with the spray-can stuff around Christmas time) and my backyard was covered in a blanket of snow- no dark spots to be seen anywhere. She, I discovered as I moved into the living room, the only room in the house with blinds, was sleeping on the sofa.

I hobbled downstairs, did my business and went to the basement windows, which have snow filling half way up the panes. I pushed open the backdoor as far as I could and the snow was literally 3 feet deep! Can you imagine my excitement?! I've only seen this much snow in movies!

Then I went upstairs to see if my paper had arrived. I looked out at the bottom of my front steps and there was a tiny flag of bright blue. Wow, the dedication! I didn't hem and haw like most folks who are used to this kind of weather do as I dressed myself to get the paper. Hell, no. This is faaar too much fun. Photos to follow.


  • At 24/1/05 09:34 , Blogger twp77 said...

    I so totally thought this post was going to be about another subject with the title as it is.... But snow's cool too. :)

  • At 24/1/05 13:59 , Blogger Bijtje said...

    i thought it was about 'eating the snow' which i did as a kid.....

    a whole new world opens up for ya!


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